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Black Poncho

Randy Wheeler
  • 360 × 420 in | 914.4 × 1066.8 cm
  • Oil on linen
  • $4,000.00
  • 20% to benefit Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)
  • Prices listed do not include shipping and tax.
  • Available for shipping and/or pickup after the exhibit closes on June 30.
A solitary guacho, clad in a black poncho, navigating a river with his horse and accompanied by dogs. Set in a muted, earthy landscape under a broad sky, the scene is imbued with a sense of motion and the serene companionship of the journey.

A dramatic moment of travel through nature, where a horse and rider, accompanied by dogs, traverse a flowing river. The rider, dressed in a traditional black poncho suggestive of Patagonian gaucho attire, appears contemplative and focused on the path ahead.

The scene is set against a backdrop of a stark, leafless tree and a sweeping landscape that fades into a soft, overcast sky. The painting’s palette is rich with subdued earth tones, accented by the stark black of the poncho and the deep browns of the horse, which add a grounding element to the composition.

The use of oil on linen allows for detailed textural contrasts, particularly in the depiction of the water’s movement and the animals’ fur, enhancing the painting’s realism.

“..masterful control of mood and texture.”
“a visual and visceral journey.”
“..rustic setting and dynamic composition.”
Black Poncho by Randy Wheeler