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A Subtle Kiss
That No One Sees

Michael Brunswick
  • 39.75 × 29 in | 100.97 × 73.66 cm
  • Oil on canvas
  • $5,000.00
  • 20% to benefit Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)
  • Prices listed do not include shipping and tax.
  • Available for shipping and/or pickup after the exhibit closes on June 30.
A visual narrative of intimacy and nuance. Featuring two distinct areas of color, a textured white field bordered by a vibrant blue edge, suggesting a secretive or unnoticed interaction.

A predominantly textured white canvas that evokes a sense of untouched snow or a frosted windowpane, interrupted by a sinuous, rich blue form that snakes along the right edge.

The contrast between the rugged, almost corrosive texture of the white area and the smooth, flowing quality of the blue suggests a dynamic interplay between elements.

The blue form represents a gentle, yet profound touch or influence upon the otherwise stark white canvas, symbolic of a kiss that is felt rather than seen.

“…subtlety and minimalism.”
“…use of blue not only frames the work but also adds a depth.”
“…speaks to the quiet yet impactful moments.”
A Subtle Kiss That No One Sees by Michael Brunswick